Home.Pepperlane.CO | Icons & Innovators: Sharon Kan | GO.CO Blog

Name: Sharon Kan

Position: Co-Founder & CeO

Company: Pepperlane

URL: https:www.home.pepperlane.co

  • Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I am a mother of two daughters, built 3 companies from foundation to exit (my companies were acquired by Microsoft, Oracle and Barnes & Noble. I founded the WIN (Women Innovating Now) Lab at Babson College and now I am on the mission to change the world for mothers and help them to make money on their own terms. I am driven by curiosity and boundless ideas, I like to skateboard.

  • What are you trying to accomplish with your work?

When I started my career, there were only two options for mothers to stay at home or work full time. I think Its time to change the rules for mothers and let them start with their own business and make an income based on their own terms. There are 20M mothers in the Us that are out of the workforce, I want to help them. Eleanor Roosevelt said:   “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” I want mothers to know that they are not alone. There are thousands of moms, many in your local area, who just like you are looking for more and investigating self-employment as the avenue that best accommodates their life. Meet them, learn from them, sell to them, buy from them. You can do this.

  • What motivated you to take the first step in launching your business?

I spoke with hundreds of mothers that share with me their frustration. They thought it was too late to start something new, they thought they don’t have the skills, they are not good enough. It made me realize that the issue is not that they don’t have the skills or they not talented, they just don’t have the confidence and the tools to start.

  • What was one of the hardest or most unexpected obstacles you had to overcome to get your idea off the ground?

Raising capital.

  • Tell us about a moment you are particularly proud of in your start-up journey?

I am proud of my team that although we had some difficult time where we didn’t know if we will raise cash, they didn’t leave. Not all followed this path but the ones that did are the ones that are with me today and I am very grateful to have them.

  • Did you face any unique challenges as a woman in your field to get your start-up launched?

Raising capital for sure.

  • What advice do you have for someone thinking about starting their own business?

Look, it’s not for everyone. You have to know it’s a long journey. If you are looking for fast results and be a winner all the time, look for a job. Starting a company is not a job, it’s labor of love.

  • Why .CO?

Why not?

  • What’s next for you?

Inspired millions of mothers around the world to make an income based on their terms, help them to start their own business. I want to lead this movement with passion and love, stay curious and live my life with joy.

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