Alex OKeefe | GO.CO Blog
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Alex OKeefe

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When establishing your online presence for your business, it’s crucial to make a professional impression with your email communication. Many entrepreneurs initially opt for Gmail to set up their company email, but to be taken seriously, it’s best to have a...

Raising children to be bilingual from a young age can set them up for a lifetime of success. Research has shown that students who speak more than one language tend to outperform monolingual kids at multi-tasking, creative thinking or problem solving. As children...

In the wild world of technology, we’re witnessing an explosion of innovation and pure disruption. And leading the pack is none other than Artificial Intelligence (AI). This badass tech has the power to revolutionize entire industries, making it a total...

Diving into entrepreneurship can be daunting for a number of reasons – not least of which is that even if you have a great idea, you need capital to make it happen. Startups need funding and the process of finding investors, negotiating terms and growing company...

For new business owners, fundraising is typically one of the biggest challenges. For women entrepreneurs, this obstacle can often seem insurmountable due to biases that are embedded in the male-dominated funding environment. In 2022, female-founded companies garnered...

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