Kristin Johnson | GO.CO Blog
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Kristin Johnson

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Gender bias in computer science and technology seems like a way of life. However, back in 1985 upwards of 37 percent of computer science degrees were completed by women. Compare that to the paltry 18 percent in 2012. It’s no wonder that the gender gap in computing is...

The .CO Icons & Innovators Series showcases interviews with the big thinkers, crazy dreamers, rule breakers and risk takers who spend their days breaking through boundaries, creating new possibilities, and transforming current realities to build the future online...

Turning a great idea into a successful startup requires a lot of hard work…and coffee. It also means you end up wearing a lot of hats. From finding new funding to signing checks to posting tweets, you’ve got to learn how to multitask when you’re keeping costs low....

When celebrating the heroes of technology and IT, men like Bill Gates and the Steve Jobs get the lion’s share of the glory. However, every computing technology innovation–whether programming code, transistors, personal computers or the internet–has been...

Like most things in life, it “takes a village” to succeed as a startup. Entrepreneurs are constantly breaking rules and making mistakes in an effort to drive their businesses forward. It’s common to be suddenly in situations where you “don’t know what you don’t know.”...

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