Kristin Johnson | GO.CO Blog
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Kristin Johnson

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As a small business owner your ability to self start and stay focused is key.  However, few things can derail your best efforts as instantly as a disorganized or  inefficient workspace.  Poor organization systems and exposure to visual distractions translate into...

Here at IDEA, we work with first-time entrepreneurs on a regular basis. Our job is to provide a network of resources as we guide these budding entrepreneurs through all the steps necessary to propel their ideas into real, successful businesses. We decided to compile a...

Owning  and running your own business can be the most fulfilling occupation  in the world. Unfortunately, some businesses require quite a bit of  capital to get started. Opening up a barber shop, for example, means  leasing a building and purchasing chairs, mirrors,...

When you’re launching a brand new e-commerce site, how do you get noticed when giant online retailers like Amazon, Zappos, and Overstock – not to mention the online stores from well-established bricks-and-mortar mega-chains – are casting such long shadows? We all know...

Way back at the beginning of the month, Zamp was a showcased startup at our SXSW #StartupLife Celebration Founder Sam Zebarjadi was gracious enough to sit down for an interview, which became part of our SXSW video series (you can watch the interview here).  He talked...

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