Kristin Johnson | GO.CO Blog
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Kristin Johnson

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In 2007, Kim Ima bought and rehabbed a truck that she drives around New York City, selling homemade cookies and other sweets. The Treats Truck is now a successful business. She tells hosts Laurel Touby and Jennifer Hill how she generated national publicity, landed a...

Rebecca Malik is the President at 17th and Riggs, an online source for contemporary furniture and lighting, where she helps you create a fresh, modern space.  Her site has been featured in well-known publications such as Southern Living and online with sites such as...

“I’m not good enough.” “I need to be perfect.” “I need to be in control.” “I will avoid confrontation at all costs.” We all have them.  They’re still there haunting us from our childhood nightmares.  They are the boogeymen (or boogeypersons if you prefer) of our...

Tech Cocktail is happy to share three keys to building a great financial model by guest author Taylor Davidson, creator of Excel template financial models for startups. Financial models are always wrong, but it’s important to create one anyway. Creating a financial...

Raj Malik is CEO & Co-Founder of KikScore, an exciting startup that helps small online businesses use their own track record of reliability and trustworthiness to increase sales and close more leads. Raj is a contributor to his company’s blog at,...

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