What’s Your Big Idea? | GO.CO Blog

I couldn’t be more proud of our ad with Go Daddy, called YourBigIdea.CO which aired during yesterday’s Super Bowl.

The ad is a fun (yet serious!) call to action intended to inspire anyone who has ever had a big idea to finally stop talking about it – and to start doing something about it!

Let’s face it.  Big ideas aren’t that hard to come by. I mean — we’ve all got them, right?

Take me, for example, I dream of a hair dryer that works as quickly as those super-slick hand dryers in all the airports; of a simple system for automatically tracking, managing and reporting my travel expenses; and of a pill that magically melts pounds and builds muscle (while tasting like peanut M&Ms).

If you give me a little more time, I’m sure I can come up with a laundry list of brilliant (and not-so-brilliant) ideas!  But that’s just the thing… Thinking up big ideas is kind of a no-brainer.

The real magic is in making your big ideas come to life.

And that’s exactly what .CO is all about!

.CO is where big ideas belong on the Web. More than just a domain, we’re here to support the thriving community of big dreamers who are building the future on .CO with the tools, resources, and support they need to take action on their big ideas – and to succeed.

Today there are already more than 1.4 million .CO domain names registered by people and businesses in over 200 countries worldwide. You can see some of the incredible big ideas that have already come to life on .CO on our website at go.co.  Check them out – I think you’ll be inspired!

So, What’s #YourBigIdea?

So do you have the best idea since sliced bread?  A groundbreaking, life-changing, “one-in-a-zillion” idea?  A “real money-maker”?

Then head on over to www.YourBigIdea.co, type your big idea into the search bar, and enjoy a glitzy glimpse of the fabulous, filthy-rich future you could have when you bring your big idea to life on a .CO domain!

Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to take action on your big idea like never before!  And then, for the love of all that is good and just and right in this world – we hope you’ll get off your duff — and go register your big idea as .CO domain from Go Daddy – before somebody else does!

I mean, if this video doesn’t inspire you to act now – I’m afraid, nothing will!

Hey, thanks for sharing your Super Bowl Sunday with us.  We hope you love the ad as much as we do – and that you will share #YourBigIdea with us on Twitter and Facebook too! 

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