Kristin Johnson | GO.CO Blog
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Kristin Johnson

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Is there an ideal age to launch a new business? If you look at the examples of entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk, then the answer is definitely “yes.” After all, they’re just a sampling of a group of highly influential and famous leaders...

Have you lost your zest for your career? The telltale signs usually have nothing to do with your employer or your commute. You may feel lost in your 9 to 5 routine without the energy to change your situation. The ambition you once felt to climb the career ladder is...

In today’s busy society, there aren’t enough hours in the day. Time is the most valuable asset, and if you’re starting out your day on the wrong foot, it will set the tone for the rest of the day; which is why your morning routine is so crucial. We know you don’t have...

Who is Hongchuan Huang? 向大家介绍一下你自己和你的创业公司吧。 答:我是黄鸿川,是舒信教育的创始人兼CEO。今年成为了2017福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜单人物。舒信教育是我和我的团队在2013年底创办的一家教育公司,最早专注于商业启蒙教育和职业体验教育业务,发展到今天有了包括“商赛人”、“学习狗”和“书生行”三个子品牌,已经慢慢衍生成了帮助家庭、校园、企业提供一整套文化教育解决方案的供应商和执行者。 A: My name is Hongchuan Huang. I am the founder and...

Maybe you’ve picked up a new hobby and want to get more experience doing it. Perhaps you’re saving for a big goal like buying a house and would like to earn some extra cash. Or maybe you’ve been harbouring dreams of owning your own business and an extra deposit into...

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