Kristin Johnson | GO.CO Blog
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Kristin Johnson

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We love spreading the word about companies bringing their exciting ideas to life on a .CO; which is why today we are featuring a cool .COmpany called DrawAttention. DrawAttention started when in November of 2014 Kyle made a whiteboard sticker for his laptop and posted...

Five years ago we launched .CO with a big dream — we wanted to create the world’s coolest domain space — where innovators, entrepreneurs, movers, shakers and better Internet makers could come together to build and grow the future online. Since that time, more than 1.8...

Ever since the launch of social networks, with each passing year, the average user’s attention span has become shorter and shorter. Many people just don’t have time to upload a ton of photos from their vacation to Facebook, and even more people don’t have the time or...

Entrepreneurs around the world will tell you that they draw their inspiration, passion, and motivation from many sources. But what’s the one source that they won’t leave off that list? Mom. As Mother’s Day (in the US) approaches, we’d like to reflect on the massive...

.CO loves startups, and is actively involved in several startup events every year. One of the biggest events we love to be a part of is the Global Startup Battle. In 2014, the winner in The Innovators Track we sponsored was .CO-er, Loop Vent. One of the awesome prizes...

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