Liz Achanta | GO.CO Blog
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Liz Achanta

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Navigating office jargon can be tough, and can be even more difficult to communicate for remote workers. This is especially true in the emerging and ever-evolving world of tech, where coding and new concepts create a sort of second language. It takes resources, time,...

Twenty years ago, if you were starting a new business chances are pretty high that your business’s website was on a .com, .org, or a .net. However, over the course of the past two decades the internet evolved: introducing two-letter country codes (like .US), and...

From 100% certified cotton to low-impact dyes all ethically and sustainably made in Los Angeles, has an endless array of qualities that make it a beloved clothing company. But more charming than its swirly prints is the founding team behind the brand....

The Los Angeles startup also wants the world to be more mindful around messaging. We all know about those apps that can turn your cell phone pictures into beautiful albums and picture books. But what about those precious exchanges via text? Some of life’s most...

As someone who grew up food insecure, Daryl Holman, Jr, is acutely aware of how hunger can wreak havoc on every aspect of life, and he believes that food insecurity is an issue that requires center stage now more than ever. He studied nonprofit management in...

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